What’s Streaming This Month? – March

In the past, I would post a monthly piece highlighting the best movies coming to Netflix each month. I haven’t done that list in a while, and when I was thinking about bringing it back, a new idea came to mind: why not look beyond just Netflix? There are a number of streaming services out now, all of which get new content added every month. So, rather than just look at the movies coming to Netflix, I will also be looking movies that are coming to Amazon Prime, Hulu, and Disney+ and highlight the best of the bunch. Some might have five movies listed, some might have less. This is a new piece called, “What’s Streaming This Month?’ and it will be taking place monthly. Here is what is streaming in the month of March.
*Full list of everything coming to Netflix in March can be found right here.*
DONNIE BRASCO (Mike Newell, 1997)
- One of the most underrated gangster movies ever, Donnie Brasco is a rich, detailed movie about loyalty and family.
GOODFELLAS (Martin Scorsese, 1990)
- Goodfellas is my favorite movie ever. I have seen this movie too many times to count and it is simply perfect. I love every inch of this movie and if you haven’t seen it, now is your chance. Believe me, this is a true masterpiece.
- Arguably the most watched movie ever (thanks, TNT) is now even easier to watch. The Shawshank Redemption is a moving, wonderful movie led by a terrific ensemble and beautiful cinematography by Roger Deakins.
SPACE JAM (Joe Pytka, 1995)
- A perfect Netflix addition right in time for March Madness, Space Jam is one of the best best basketball movies ever made. I love the silliness of this movie and Bill Murray is a real scene-stealer. A childhood favorite, Space Jam is glorious, ridiculous fun.
THERE WILL BE BLOOD (Paul Thomas Anderson, 2007)
- Led by Daniel Day-Lewis’ masterful, larger-than-life performance, There Will Be Blood is a gorgeous American epic and Paul Thomas Anderson’s best film to date.
*Full list of everything coming to Netflix in March can be found right here.*
THE COOLER (Wayne Cramer, 2003)
- The Cooler is a great little indie from the early 2000’s about a gambling jinx (an outstanding William H. Macy) who’s bad luck fades away as he falls in love, much to his casino boss’ (Oscar nominee Alec Baldwin).
GOING THE DISTANCE (Nanette Burstein, 2010)
- This cute little rom-com is a really fun watch thanks to the chemistry and fun of Justin Long and Drew Barrymore.
KUNG-FU PANDA ( Mark Osborne, John Stevenson, 2008)
- Gorgeous, funny, and filled with exciting action, Kung-Fu Panda doesn’t get enough love as a truly great animated film.
WAYNE’S WORLD 2 (Stephen Surjik, 1993)
- Though not as good as it’s predecessor, Wayne’s World 2 is still an excellent comedy sequel that features some great one-liners.
*Full list of everything coming to Netflix in March can be found right here.*
GOOD WILL HUNTING (Gus Van Sant, 1997)
- Ben Affleck and Matt Damon’s smart screenplay, Gus Van Sant’s top tier direction, and great performances from the whole cast, particularly from Robin Williams, Good Will Hunting is a heartfelt drama about opening up and learning to love.
KNIVES AND SKIN (Jennifer Reeder, 2019)
- Knives and Skin is an indie I saw back in October and it’s one I’ve been thinking about since. This is a weird, Twin Peaks-esque high school drama about a young girl’s disappearance in the rural Midwest and its effect on teens and parents. This is a bizarre, mystical noir.
SWINGERS (Doug Liman, 1995)
- A young and spry Vince Vaughn is an absolute scene-stealer in Doug Liman’s snappy L.A. comedy about getting over your ex and moving on.
UP IN THE AIR (Jason Reitman, 2009)
- The best film of Jason Reitman’s career follows a man (George Clooney, in one of the best performances of his career) travels around the country firing people during the Great Recession. Funny, sad, dramatic, and great supporting turns from Anna Kendrick, Vera Farmiga, and Jason Bateman, this is a film that could be placed in a cinematic time capsule as a film that represents and exact time, place, and moment in American history.
WARRIOR (Gavin O’Connor, 2011)
- Gavin O’Connor is a great director of sports and Warrior is his finest work to date. This is a powerful, emotional, bruising film about the bond of family and forgiveness. Tom Hardy, Joel Edgerton, and Oscar nominee Nick Nolte all give career-best work in a movie that will crush your heart and have you standing up and cheering.
*Full list of everything coming to Netflix in March can be found right here.*
BLACK PANTHER (Ryan Coogler, 2018)
- Loads of fun, masterfully crafted, and a Michael B. Jordan performance you won’t forget, Black Panther is one of the best movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and an undeniable game-changer.
THE FINEST HOURS (Craig Gillespie, 2016)
- The Finest Hours was one of those live-action, based-on-a-true-story Disney movie that they rarely make now, but it’s very entertaining and features a stellar cast of Chris Pine, Casey Affleck, Ben Foster, and Eric Bana.
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